Get around meaning in malayalam

Word: Get around

Meanings of Get around in malayalam :

Verb Chuttikkootuka (ചുറ്റിക്കൂടുക)
Katatthivettuka (കടത്തിവെട്ടുക) Madhuravaakkukalilooteyum Mattum Prarippikkuka (മധുരവാക്കുകളിലൂടെയും മറ്റും പ്രരിപ്പിക്കുക) Ozhinjumaaruka (ഒഴിഞ്ഞുമാറുക)
Get around definition
be released or become known; of news
Ex: News of her death broke in the morning
avoid something unpleasant or laborious
Ex: You cannot bypass these rules!
be a social swinger; socialize a lot
move around; move from place to place
Ex: How does she get around without a car?
Related wordsGet around - Chuttikkootuka (ചുറ്റിക്കൂടുക)
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